UTIAS Partners

Mr Dan Breitman
Retired Vice President, Engine Development Programs at Pratt & Whitney Canada

Dr. Allan Carswell
Founder & Chairman of the Board, Optech Inc.

Dr. Barry French
Co-Founder, Chief Scientist, Gedex
UTIAS Professor Emeritus

Mr. Scott Goobie
VP Engineering, Bombardier Aerospace

Dr. Rocco Martino
Founder & Chairman of the Board, Cyber Technology Group Inc.
Founder & Chairman of the Board, CyberFone Technologies Inc.

Dr. Cameron Ower
Director, Research & Development, MDA Corp.

Dr. Christian Sallaberger
President & CEO, Canadensys Aerospace

Mr. Francis Shen
Member of the Board of Directors & Chief Strategy Officer, Mitel

Mr. Rod Williams
President, Wheels Up Aviation Canada